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(In alphabetical order)

Anchor 4

Center for Algebraic Thinking


Level: High School

Cost: Free (after creating username and password)

Type of video: Nearly all the videos (66 of 68) are of individual task-based interviews, 1 of a teacher leading a short discussion (34 seconds), and 1 of a whole class (38 minutes.)

Content domains: Algebraic Relations, Analysis of Change, Modeling and Word Problems, Patterns and Functions, Pre-algebra, variables and expressions, linear equations, proportional reasoning


  • For the most part, the videos are short, task based interviews of students working to solve problems connected to algebraic thinking.

  • Many of the videos are of students solving problems with decontextualized algebraic equations and expressions, asking them what variables might equal, for instance, or what two expressions are the same.  Other tasks involve making sense of graphs and the relationships between quantities. 


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Connected Math Project (CMP)


Level: Grades 6th-8th

Cost: Free (after creating an account and password)

Type of video: Whole group, small group and teacher reflection

  • To see a break down of videos by grade and then by video content and type, click on the Learn More & Discuss button. 

Content domains:

  • Sixth Grade:  Multiplying fractions and multiplying decimals ;

  • Seventh Grade: Linear relationships and solving problems within the context of linear situations;

  • Eighth grade: Exponential Relationships  exponential decay, reasoning about exponential patterns, equivalence (in the context of linear relationships) Variables

Description of the Videos:

  • The longer videos are also generally split into shorter “chapters” each of which focuses on a shorter episode from the longer video.  Most of the longer videos are of the “launch, explore, summary” format that is used with most of the investigations in the CMP curriculum. Many of the longer lesson videos also have video (or audio) of the teacher reflecting on the video.

  • Some of the grade level bands have collections of video concentrating on specific teaching issues, rather than organized by lesson. For instance there may be a series of clips featuring questioning done by the teacher, or a series of clips connected to creating norms in a classroom. 

  • There are also series of clips involving teacher reflection on the lessons. 

  • The instruction involves launching rich tasks and using student work on these tasks to introduce important mathematical concepts and derive efficient ways to compute and solve problems. They contain many examples of students reasoning and justifying, and teachers eliciting student thinking and pushing students to make sense of important mathematics. 


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Inside Mathematics


Level: Grades 5th-12th

Cost: Free

Type of video: Excerpts from classroom lessons and teacher reflections - prior to and following lesson. 

Content domains:

  • Ratios and Proportional Relationships; The Number System; Expressions and Equations; Geometry; Statistics and Probability; Functions


  • The videos are separated into four collections:

    • Public Lessons,

    • Number Talks,

    • Problem of the Month,

    • Formative re-engaging lessons.


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IMAP Integrating Mathematics and Pedagogy


Level: Elementary and Middle School

Cost: Free

Type of video: There is a range of videos the majority are individual, task based interviews, but there are also some that are whole class and some that are small group

Content domains: Number and Operations in the primary grades; addition, subtraction, division and multiplication of whole numbers, decimals and fractions, place value, identifying and comparing fractions, a variety of story problems

Description of the Videos:

  • Most videos are individual task-based interviews in which students solve problems concerning number and operations and explain their thinking. Some of the videos are solving problems in context, and some are “naked” problems, out of context. 

  • A small number of the videos are of students working in small groups, and an even small number of videos are of whole class discussions. 

  • Each of the videos also has a transcript, which can be viewed electronically alongside the video, as well as as a table of “related info” which includes a list of the categories the video fits into (i.e. erd grade, latina student, whole number addition), a short description of what happens in the clip, some important things to notice, and a list of other clips that the child is in. 

  • The videos are categorized in a  number of ways (gender, grade, ethnicity, content, teaching/interviewing, strategy, miscellaneous). The viewer can select videos that meet certain category criteria.


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Mathematics Assessment Project (Mathematics Assessment Resource Service, MARS)


Level: Grades 7th, 8th, 9th

Cost: Free.  You can access videos by clicking on a specific Professional Development Module on the left. Each Module will then have a series of tabs on the top, including some that are for videos (i.e. “Activity D Video”).

Type of video: A mix of whole class discussion videos, small group work, and teacher reflection.

Content domains: Estimation, Proportional Reasoning, Problem solving, Growth and rates of change, variables, Area, surface area and volume, sampling, Representations of functions


  • Videos are of grades 7, 8 in the United Kingdom.  There are a variety of British and other accents that Americans may find difficult

  • Seven of the 16 videos have the option of having English or Spanish subtitles (Modules 3, 4 and 5)

  • The clips are often edited to show examples of specific teacher moves or specific patterns of interaction, however, they are not staged or unrealistic. 

  • Clips are in the context of larger Professional development modules that are aimed at issues connected to teaching for understanding through the use of rich mathematical tasks.


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PBS Mathline


Level:  Grade 6th-12th

Cost: Free (after creating an account and password)

Type of video:  Video of classroom mathematics lesson

  • Grades 6-8: Expressions and Equations; The Number System; Ratios and Proportional Reasoning; Statistics and Probability; Functions; Geometry


  • A number of the lessons follow a launch-explore-summarize format.  The teacher first introduces or sets-up a class task, activity, or experiment.  Then the teacher provides students time to engage in the mathematical task/activity/experiment.  The teacher then concludes with a discussion or lecture about the overarching mathematical idea(s) in the lesson. 

  • Many of the lessons in the videos include both small group and whole class discussions in which students are working on a mathematical task, activity, or experiment that requires a significant portion of the lesson’s time.  

  • Some of the teachers in the videos demonstrate instructional practices and mathematical tasks that have the form but not the function of those advocated by the NCTM Standards.

  • The videos include teacher and student reflections on teaching and learning; teacher voice over and interpretation of some of the events in the classroom videos; edited, full lengths segments of the classroom lesson; segments of video focusing on individual and groups of students engaging in mathematical tasks.


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Teaching Channel


Level: Grades K-12th  

Cost: Free (after creating a username and password)

Type of video: Excerpts of classroom lessons, which include whole class, small group, and teacher reflection. 

Content domains:

  • K-8 CCSS-M Content Standards: Counting and Cardinality; Operations and Algebraic Thinking; Number and Operations in Base 10; Number and Operations - Fractions; Measurement and Data; Geometry; The Number System; Expressions and Equations; Functions; Statistics and Probability


  • There seems to be two major foci for the videos - mathematics teaching practices (e.g. “giving efficient directions,” “think time and collaborative learning,” and “formative assessment using U-P-S strategy”) and mathematics lesson ideas

  • Many of the videos include excerpts of classroom lessons that follow a launch-explore-summarize structure. The launch involves the teacher setting up the activity while interacting with the whole class.

  • The excerpts from the explore portion focuses on small groups of students collaborating on the mathematical task. The excerpts of the summary involve a whole class discussion about the students’ work on the mathematical activity.

  • All of these videos include a voice-over commentary in which the teacher(s) reflects on pedagogical decisions and situates the decisions in the broader scope and sequence of the students’ mathematical learning.


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TIMSS Videos

(Videos from Third International Math & Science Study)


Level: 8th Grade

Cost/Access: Free (after creating a username and password)

Type of video: Whole class/Whole lesson videos, video generally follows the teacher but does include some small groups and individual students interacting with the teacher.

Content domains: 

In the USA

  • Graphing Linear Equations

  • Writing variable expressions

  • Exponent rules

  • Secants and tangents

  • Interior angles of a polygon

  • See "Learn More & Discuss" for other countries' content


  • The videos are examples of uninterrupted and unedited classroom lessons. They show a variety of teaching structures and approaches, as well as a variety of content domains.

  • The videos are also very useful to show cultural differences in instruction between countries.

  • The videos are not idealized versions of classrooms.As a result, they are less models of “ideal” teaching, but rather opportunities to analyze classroom teaching.


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Teaching Math: A Video Library


Level: Grades 9th-12th

Cost: Free streaming or follow these links for DVD purchase:,,

Type of video: Edited videos of classroom lessons

Content domains: Algebra; Functions; Modeling; Geometry; Statistics and Probability

Description of the Videos:

  • Classroom videos shift from focus on single student, to whole class, to teacher.  Also, the videos periodically insert teacher and student commentary occurring outside the classroom.

  • Classroom video of small groups of students capture students’ written work, students’ work on calculators, and mathematical conversations amongst the students and the teacher.

  • Many of the videos involve the launch, explore, and summarize lesson format.  


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Video Mosaic Collaborative (VMC)


Level: Grades 1st-8th

Cost: Free

Type of video: Classroom lessons; after-school interventions and observations with a small group of students

Content domains:  

  • Elementary and Middle school: Operations and Algebraic Thinking; Numbers and Operations in Base Ten; Numbers and Operations - Fractions; Statistics and Probability; Measurement and Data; Ratio and Proportional Reasoning; Expressions and Equations


  • “The Video Mosaic Collaborative (VMC) is an interactive collaboration portal designed to enable teachers, teacher educators and researchers to analyze and utilize the real classroom videos shot over a span of 20+ years to make new discoveries in math education and transform mathematics research, teaching and learning." (quotation from website)

  • The classroom and after school classroom interventions involve high-level cognitive demand tasks.The researchers interactions with students maintain the level of cognitive demand as the students engage in the tasks.

  • The videos include students using mathematical tools such as graph paper, base ten blocks, algebra blocks, computers, the tower of hanoi, calculators, and number lines.

  • The focus of nearly all the videos is on students individually and collectively engaging in mathematical reasoning.


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Anchor 5

With a Fee

Classroom Discussion: Seeing Math Discourse in Action

Please read: Once on the site, search for "multimedia professional learning resource." 


Level: Grades K-6th

Cost: Purchasable DVDs ($149)

Type of video: Excerpts from 12 classroom lessons that involve small group and whole class discussions

Content domains: Counting and Cardinality, Operations and Algebraic Thinking, Number and Operations in Base Ten, Measurement and Data, The Number System


  • Videos illustrate particular “talk moves” and combinations of “talk moves.”

  • Videos afford opportunity to view students doing mathematics as they engage in problems, as the students interact with other students, and as the students interact with teachers.

  • Videos demonstrate instructional practices consistent with the mathematics teaching practices (NCTM, 2014). These practices include but are not limited to: posing purposeful questions, eliciting and using evidence of student thinking, supporting students’ productive struggle, and orchestrating mathematical discourse.


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Connecting Mathematical Ideas: Middle School Video Cases to Support Teaching and Learning


Level: Middle School

Cost: Heinemann Publishing ($25)  

Type of Video: Mostly whole class discussion, two small group interview around experience of math class (not specific mathematics content).

Content domains: Number & Quantity; Algebra; Functions; Geometry

Description of the Videos:

  • To see a description of each video (10 videos), click on the Learn More & Discuss buton. 

  • These videos contain boarder problems, making rules for boarder problems, convicing others of rules, division of fractions, notion of proof, class participation, interviews of students, surface area, and volume of prisms. 


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The Fostering Geometric Thinking Toolkit:

A Guide for Staff Development


Level: Middle School

Cost: Available from Heinemann Publishing  (ca. $225) 

Type of video: Small groups of middle school students engaged in working collaboratively on rich geometric tasks. 

Content Domains: Geometric thinking, transformations, properties of shapes and lines. 

Description of the Videos:

  • Small groups of middle and high school students engaged in working on rich geometric tasks.  They reason about spatial relationships, and properties of shapes.  They engage in conjecturing and the beginnings of proof in the context of solving problems connected to constructions.  They also push each other to be clear and consistent.  An off-camera teachers sometimes asks questions of the students. 

  • There is also text interspersed with the video that identifies the kind of thinking that students engage in, aligned with frameworks described in the staff development materials. 


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Fostering Algebraic Thinking Toolkit:

A Guide for Professional Development


Level: Middle School

Cost: Available from Heinemann Publishing (ca $300) 

Type of video: Small group work with teacher; teacher reflection

Content domains: Algebra, Functions, Modeling

Description of the Videos:

  • Video One: Teacher working with small group on problem (modeling two different linear relationships and comparing them), and then teacher reflecting on her work with children.

  • Video Three:  Teachers reflect and debrief on questions asked during small group work on algebraic tasks


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