Fostering Geometric Thinking
Details Content Domains Video Descriptions
Usefullness of Video Ancillary Material Authorship
The Fostering Geometric Thinking Toolkit: A guide for Staff Development
Middle and High Schoo
Available from Heinemann Publishing (ca. $225)
Type of Video
Small groups of middle and high school students engaged in working collaboratively on rich geometric tasks.
Length of Videos
5 - 20 minutes
Number of Videos
15 videos
Content Domains
Geometric thinking, transformations, properties of shapes and lines.
Description of the Videos
Small groups of middle and high school students engaged in working on rich geometric tasks.
They reason about spatial relationships, and properties of shapes. They engage in conjecturing and the beginnings of proof in the context of solving problems connected to constructions. They also push each other to be clear and consistent. An off-camera teachers sometimes asks questions of the students.
There is also text interspersed with the video that identifies the kind of thinking that students engage in, aligned with frameworks described in the staff development materials.
Usefulness of the Videos
These videos are good examples of students persisting with doing mathematics tasks, as well as addressing both reasoning and precision of language.
Ancillary Materials
These videos are part of a set of professional development materials in which participants learn about a framework for geometric thinking and engage in working to understand how students might develop and exhibit these types of thinking. The whole package has lesson plans, handouts and assignments for participants.
Mark Driscoll, Rachel Wing DiMatteo, Johannah Nikula, Michael Egan, June Mark,
Grace Kelemanik of Educational Development Center. Inc.
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